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With your contribution, we are transforming 3,000 square feet of outdated space into a state-of-the-art, interactive history exhibit that will engage families and educate our community. Every additional dollar raised beyond our $1.8 million budget will help us expand our offerings, including the much-anticipated extension of the Colonial,Fur Trade, Early American exhibit in the lower-level gallery. 

Thank You to our Exhibit Donors

Legacy Donors

Gifts of $100,000 or More

Besser Foundation

George R. & Edith (Angell) Cook Family Fund

Michigan Arts and Culture Council

James Park Family Foundation Fund

Richard J. Cook and Teresa M. Lahti

Roger A. Cook and June E. Licence

Robert and Jacquelyn Granum Museum Fund

Timothy and Dorothy  Kent

Visionary Donors

Gifts of $10,000 or More

Duffy, Patricia

First Federal Legacy Foundation

Tiimothy and Susan Fitzpatrick

Charon K. and Steven H. Fletcher

Harry Johnson Museum Fund

Georgene LaFleche Hildebrand

Alpena Agency, Inc - Auto Owners

Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union

Alpena County Youth and Recreation 

Alpena County Older Persons 

Besser Company

Larry and Debra Clark

Gary and Judith Dawley

Iron One Foundation

Deanne Irwin

Chris and Julie McCoy,

Kim and Michelle Miller

Dave and Cathy Moore

Kenneth and Cecelia Murray

Don Newport and Family


Dennis and Carol Norton

Robert and Candace Smith Museum Fund

The Marc and Amy Ferguson Family Philanthropy Fund

Brian and Sara Winter Young

Bob and Naoko Young

Janet Young

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Champion Donors

Gifts of $5,000 or More

Alpena Area Credit Union

Alpena Area Convention and Visitors Bureau

Banner Realty Team

Carol Bobolts

Community Foundation for Northeast  Michigan

Bruce and Midge Connon

Dr. Eric and Michelle Cornish

Paul Diamond and Family

Bruce and Julie Dietz

Jean Gilliland

Beach and Kelly Hall

HPC Credit Union

Steve and Alison Jakubcin

Glen and Kim Kanarr

Robert and Diana Kelly

Gordon and Vernie Nethercut

Khalil M. and Ann Reitz Saab

Dr. Elaine Smith

   In Memory of David Smith

Andrew Tarkington and Family

Marty and Cathy Thomas

Leader Donors

Gifts of $1,000 to 4,999

Mike and Esther Ableidinger

Allegra Alpena

Alpena Rotary Club

Assured Partners

Richard and Marilyn Bachelor

Tom and Linda Baker

   In Memory of John and Thelma Baker

Brian and Julie Bartosh

Bauer, Florip, & Wojda PLC

Besser Museum Founders Society

Joyce Brilinski

Katherine Kelly Bruss

Carl Buchner

Pauline Buchner

Ted and Ann Burton

Wayne and Christena Christopherson,

Richard D. Clute

Tom and Anna Owens Cook

MaryAnn Crawford and Tom Christianson and Family

Clarence "Tuffy" and Bonnie Cross

Currier, Dr. Robert Currier and Family

Jeff and Lisa Dahlinger

Detla Kappa Gamma Society Alpha XI Chapter

Tom and Jennifer Dutcher and Family

Ann Diamond

Exchange Club of Alpena

Stephen and Joanne Gallagher

Dan Gouin

Lora Greene

Bruno Hirzel

Jim and Kathy Johnson

Bill Kelly

John and Julie Kowalski

Karen Krueger

Timothy M. Kuehnlein Jr

Bernie and Nancy Lamp

Steve Lappan

Michael and Carol Lund

Jim and Beatty Masters

Nicolet Bank

Guy and  Mary Robinson

Ann-Marie and Harold Ruder

Leon Ruder

Ty and Tina Schultz

Dr. Elaine Smith

Will and Judy St. John

Shirley Steele

Paul and Lori Stephan

Nicholas, Joshua, Eric, and Kevin Stephan

Don and Jean Stewart

Henry and Florence Stibitz

Anthony Suszek

Mark and Tammy Timm

WeCare Top of Michigan

West Design Group

Peter and Lynn Wilson

Scott and Shelia Winder

Christine (Winder) Witulski

   In Honor of Fisher and Jett Witulski

Wolverine Credit Union

Youth Advisory Council

Patron Donors

Gifts of $500 to $999

Advance Wildlife Design

Norma and Miki Agius,

        In Honor of Adeline and A.J. 

Alpena Furniture

Alpena Institute of Massage Class of 2023/24

Robert and Iris Arthur

Curt Badder and Sunny Trelfa

Mike Beaulac and Katie Wolf

Ronald and Valeria Beatty

Jonathan Bluck

Dennis and Beverly Bodem

Boldrey, Senchuk, Rouleau & Williams, CPAs

Jon and Marilyn Bloomberg

Jennifer Bidwell and Tom Guyer

Jim and Jean (Albert) Brandon

Bill and Vicki Bridge

John and Esther Donald Briggs

Thomas and Karen Brindley

Ron Cady

Doc, Eva, Susan, Ralph, Martin Carpenter

Jim and Claudia Chapman

Zachary Chrzan and Nicole Page and Family

Ed and Donna Czarnecki

Dean Arbour Ford Alpena

Marga Decker

Joe Donna

Lyle and Renee Dorr

Jere Doyle

Robert and Rachel Dulebohn

    In Honor of Ronan and Rezlyn

Engstrom, Nathan and Katie Young

Fairchild, Ryan and Rhea

Florip, Daniel and Jennifer and Family

Ann Florip

   In Memory of Jim 

Kevin Ginter

Rachel Goodstein

Gary and Sherry Goren

   In Memory of Andrew Daoust

Gougeon Family

    In Memory of Fredrick and Elizabeth Couture

Gougeon Family,

      In Memory of Alphonse Sr & Phelonise Gougeon

Michael and Theresa (Walchak) Grant

Grochowski Family

    In Memory of Chet and Irene Grochowski

Bob and Carol Grochowski

John and Janet Grochowski and Family

Bailey and Rosarie Hartmeyer

Albert and Audrey Heath

John Heath

Bruce and Cherie Honeycutt

John Hopkins

    In Memory of  Jan

Huron Engineering & Surveying, Inc.

Jim and Wendy Johnson

Barry and Sue Keller

Mike and Anna Kelly

Stephen Kotwicki

      In Memory of Charlotte Ann Kotwicki

Kathryn Kunze

    In Memory of Lewis W. Kunze

Erwin P. and Mary R. Lewandowksi

Kevin and Melissa LaCombe

Tom and Mary Lappan

Ruth Ann LeBarre

Donald and Kassie Leaym

Richard and Jan Lefevre

Max and Vicky Lindsay

Tim and Bev Maher

Jim and Sandra Malaski

Bob and Patti Martinez

August and Peggy Matuzak

Mike and Theresa Meyer

   In Honor of Malcom A. Chrispell 

Mike and Theresa Meyer

   In Honor of Mavis M. Chrispell

Peter Miller

Jeff and Robin Mindykowski

Norris, In Memory of Scott 

Presque Isle Community Men's Club

John and Harriet Pock

Gregg Resnick and Yuko Fellows

Rocky and Ginny Roland

Rusty Petunias Marketplace

Allen Salyer

David and Joy Shoemaker

Robert and Jane Skowronek

George and Brenda Snedden

Gordon Snow

John and Sue Stender

Stratford Gruop, LTD

Anna-Marie Struble

Tim and Jane Sylvester

Doug and Clint Taratuta-Kendziorski

Charles and Karen Tetzlaff

Debi Thomas

Larry and Mary Jane Thomson

Thomas and Jena Townsend

Annette Trelfa and Family

Holly Trudelle

   In  Memory of Richard L. Mesler

Jim and Judy Vivian

Gloria Weaver

Michael and Ann Holmes Williams

Owen and Marie Williams

Richard Willis

   In Memory of Betsy Willis

Richard and Ellie Willis

Christine (Winder) Witulski

   In Honor of Sarah Winder and Family

Roger and Carol Witherbee

Mike and Debbie Wojda

Friend Donors

Gifts of $10 to 499

Bonnie Abend

Aid By The Dozen Group #2

Angela nad Mark Addington

Dennis and Janet Artley

Eugene and Karen Bacon

Deborah Bastow

Mary Bastow

Rudolph and Marylin Bauer

Christine Baumgardner

James and Kristin Berles

Max and Kathleen Billings

Jeff and Lisa Blaski

David Blumenthal

Janice Bobltz

Christine Brenna Bond

Pamela Borchert

A. Bowen

Paul and Mary Bray

Gordan and Kaye Breckenridge

Lee and Harriett Britton

Ron and Catherine Brown

Jennifer Calery

Martha Cantleberry

John and Laura Caplis

Claudia Chapman

   In Honor of Erwin II Styma and Family

Judith Case

City of Alpena Staff

Mahala Clayton

James and Susan Conboy

Michael and Marcia Connolly

Mark A. and Karen Jo Cordes

Vincent and Karen Cracchiolo

Bessie Crowley

Curt and Shari Davis

Phil and Wanda Diamond

Dennis and Sandra Doubek

Marsette Dubie

Susan Edwards

Gordy and Lynn Emgdahl

Richard and Sharon Engstrom

Gene and Janet Fairchild

Anna Fitch

Michael Fochtman

William and Carol Fredrick

Traci Granata

Dawn Fana Gentry

Jorge T. Gonzalez

Duffy and Pamela Lloyd Gorski

Ben and Marge Granlund

Jefferson Gray

Tom and Michell Greka

William and Dorothy Haase

Dr. Brian and Belinda Hanna

Gerald and Ann Hardesty

Brenda Hartman

Lisa Hilberg

Walter and Barbara Jacquemin

Judy Kalmanek

Russell Kauffman

Melissa Kednziorski

Carol Kindt

Mark and Nancy Kinney

Matt and Christina Klimczak

Ryan and Daniele Knight

Glen and Carla Kowalski

Kinglsi Kraft

Robert and Phyllis Kruger

Gary LaCross

Edward and Stephanie LaFramboise

Josephine LaMonaco

Marion Lamy

Lisa Lendard

Paul Levitt

Peggy LIttle

Maria Lindahl

Robert Lomba

Timothy and Kathleen Lutes

Jim and Sandy Malaski

George and Carole Maleck

Dean Martin

John and Jean Mazur

Kaye Lynn Mazurek

   In Honor of Lori Stephan's 60th birthday

Barbara McDougall

Larry and Sandy McLennan

Nike Myers and Stephanie Gandulla

Faye Naife

Pamela and James Neal

Ken and Sue Nielsen

Ron and Sue Ott

Brandon Page

Michael and Laura Page

Kari Palmer

Ashley Peterson

Norm and Judith Poli

Marian Prieur-Bastow

Carlene Przykucki

Douglas and DeeAnn Pugh

Ed and Barb Retherford

Margaret Ricker

Rosemary Rosenbrock

Denise Rousseau

Barry J. Schatz

Brandon Schroeder

Meagan Schwart

N. Jeannette Schultz

Holly Scott

Jim and Pat Shaffer

Dianne Sharp

  In Memory of Alvin Sharp

Steve and Meredith Sheridan

Jennifer Sherman

Marc and Janet Knisley-Simons

Mary Smitka

Rachel Smolinski

Bradley and Felonie Somers

Jere and Diana Standen

E. Dan Stevens

Michael Stoll

Judy Suszek

Steve and Wynne Tezak

Thunder Bay Audubon Society

David and Lynn Vanderlinde

James and Susan Wander

Nicolle Wardop

Mildred Wells

Cherly Werblow

Steve and Betty Westrope

Chuck and Julie Wiesen

Eileen Wikaryasz

Valerie Williams

Carolyn Wilson

Judy Woizeschke

Mary Young

Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan, 491 Johnson Street, Alpena, MI 49707


For more information on how to become a member, click here.

The Besser Museum is a 501 (c)(3), non-profit, membership corporation stewarded by its own Board of Trustees. The museum receives no continuing financial support from federal, state, or local government entities or millage. Operational support is generated through admission fees, membership dues, awarded grants and donations.                  Besser Museum is an accrediated museum by the American Alliance of Museums.



Our mission is to collect, preserve, interpret, and exhibit authentic articles and artifacts of art, history, and science to inspire curiosity, foster community pride, and cultivate personal legacy.
The Besser Museum is dedicated to serving the public of all ages and abilities.

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