Interested in donating an item to the Besser Museum?
We invite you to complete the Artifact Donation Application.
This application will help the Besser Museum and the Collection Committee
understand how your item might support the Besser Museum’s mission.
The completed application will help us understand the history of the item including what it is,
to whom it belonged, where it was used, when it was used, why it is important, and how it
complements the Besser Museum’s mission. The information provided in these applications,
helps to make the donated items valuable resources for years to come.
To the best of your ability, please, complete an application for each item you wish to be considered
for inclusion in the collections of the Besser Museum. There are instructions included within the
application regarding where the application should be sent.
If you have questions about how best to complete the application,
please contact the Collections Manager.
When the Artifact Donation Application is received, the application will be presented to the Collection Committee for review. The Committee meets monthly to consider new donation offers. We evaluate offers based on their connection to our mission, whether there is documentation and history of it, whether it is already represented in the collection, and its condition. If we decide to add the offer to the collection, we will send you a Deed of Gift that legally transfers the ownership from you to the Besser Museum. All donations are unconditional and unrestricted gifts.
We are unable to accept donations with restrictions on exhibit or long-term loans.
Interested in being a volunteer in the collections department?
Email a completed to the Collections Manager.